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Is there any database that I can  Search - DPMAregister - DEPATISnet. The DPMAregister is the official German register for patents, utility models, trade marks and designs. You will find  繁體中文; 简体中文. Welcome to Online Search System. Search for Trade Marks. Search for Patents.

in step 4. and then use keywords) 2. Find synonyms of these keywords from: technical dictionaries documents already found in this technical field patents classifications Tools such as Patent Annotation (4) /PNTE (/FEAT) S RATTUS/PNTE PNTE Patent Country (4) /PC S US/PC PNTE Patent Number (4) /PN S WO2000056771/PN PNTE Sequence Length /SQL S G/NA SQL S SQL<=500 (1) With left truncation, the input term must contain at least 4 characters.