Thanks to Salvatore Sanfilippo for creating Redis in first place and hiredis driver, Matt Ranney for creating node-redis, Alexander Gladysh for creating lua hiredis, Tim Caswell for creating luvit, and Vladimir Dronnikov for all help as without him that module would never happen.


Calls to C functions can be inlined in JIT-compiled code, unlike calls to functions bound via the classic Lua/C API. This page gives a short introduction to the usage 

Apache-2.0 31 projects. GPL-3 luvit/luvit. Lua + libUV + jIT = pure awesomesauce. People Repo info Activity. Jan 31 2019 03:17.

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Re: [ANN] Luvit - Lua + UV + Jit = NodeJS re-implemented in Lua, Tim Caswell; References: . Re: [ANN] Luvit - Lua + UV + Jit = NodeJS re-implemented in Lua, jiang yu 23 May 2012 Wynn caught up with Tim Caswell to talk about Luvit, his new project that provides Lua bindings for libuv. Lua is a lightweight, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for License · MIT License · Filename extensions .lua. Website, www.

It also has a deep machine learning framework via Torch.

Luvit doesn't need to be a direct clone of Node in order to be useful. This hits the issue perfectly. Luvit's builtin libraries should be easy and simple to use in Lua. LuaJIT being in a weird maintenance limbo. The LuaJIT 2.1.0 beta isn't in a maintenance limbo, Mike commits consistently see here.

Follow edited Mar 11 '20 at 9:27. Seniru Pasan. asked Mar 10 '20 at 11:02. Seniru Pasan Seniru Pasan.

luv. libuv bindings for luajit and lua 5.1/ 5.2/ 5.3/ 5.4.. This library makes libuv available to lua scripts. It was made for the luvit project but should usable

Luvit lua

Libuv is baked in The "uv" module contains bindings to libuv as defined in the luv project.

Luvit lua

Since lua, the language has native co-routines, you can also use those instead of callbacks if that's your preference. Luvit supports both. I changed some lua semantics slightly to make modules make sense. Luvit was reborn as version 2.0 in March 2015. I joined the community a year later in early 2016 when I leveraged luvit as a niche solution to developing Discord bots in Lua, out of which I grew a small sub-community of Discord users. Luvit. Start Kurskatalog Hjälp.
Wow classic the islander

I changed some lua semantics slightly to make modules make sense. For example, require search paths work like in node. This means that you can do relative requires to the file that's doing the requiring. There is no user-modifiable search path, Traceback starts with finding a webshell that’s already one the server with some enumeration and a bit of open source research. From there, I’ll pivot to the next user with sudo that allows me to run Luvit, a Lua interpreter.

Libuv is baked in The "uv" module contains bindings to libuv as defined in the luv project. Lua is an open source programming language. It was created in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes.
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Luvit lua observatoriegatan 48 jönköping
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Sep 3, 2015 Lua is one of my favourite languages. It's tiny, it's fast, it has simple grammar and is very easy to learn. I also often write shell scripts - from simple 

9 Mar 2020 Lua has modern web frameworks via Lapis and Luvit (among many). It also has a deep machine learning framework via Torch. All of these are  luje, A Java VM written in Lua. luajit-libuv, An FFI binding to libuv that seems nicer than than luvit. Tools, Hammerspoon, A Lua-powered scripting engine for Mac  Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. Lua combines Also, I wrote a blog post about luvit after a talk I gave at Open Source … 15 Aug 2020 From there, webadmin had access to running luvit as sysadmin so a simple Lua script was used to catch a reverse shell as sysadmin. Finally  Welcome to the Luvit repl!

Luvit 2.0 - Node.JS for the Lua Inventor. Welcome to the source code for Luvit 2.0. This repo contains the luvit/luvit metapackage and all luvit/* packages as published to lit.. This collection of packages and modules implements a node.js style API for the luvi/lit runtime. It can be used as both a library or a standalone executable.

I have used Lua at the command line on machines with 64GB of RAM to do ad hoc data mining that would have otherwise required several days of prep time for writing and debugging C before each run. Using Lua, I could do things in hours that used to take overnight, or several days. Luvit implements the same API as Node.JS in Lua so it’s easy to migrate to or use if you’re already used to Node.

There is no user-modifiable search path, Traceback starts with finding a webshell that’s already one the server with some enumeration and a bit of open source research. From there, I’ll pivot to the next user with sudo that allows me to run Luvit, a Lua interpreter.