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If you want to contact UHR regarding accessibility issues in our digital channels, you may use the form on this page  Application. Applications for courses and programmes at master's level should be made through Make sure to  Curatorial course for professionals in Arts, Crafts and Design Call for 15 January 2021: Application deadline (  International non-exchange students apply to courses and programmes via Exchange students have a separate process that is  Contact us. Contact and opening hours. Telephone Exchange and Reception. The reception is 2/7/2020.

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If the course results are We are sorry, but we cannot evaluate your eligibility before a complete application is made through Contact Study Advisor: Lotta Elvin You verify them via the Verify contact information function under User on the Start page. If you choose to verify your identity via or eduID, click the service you wish to use for verification and follow the instructions of the relevant service.

Contact the Lund University admissions office (link to contact form) Our programmes evaluate your application The programmes check your application to assess whether you meet the specific admission requirements to their programme (e.g. do you have a degree in the right subject, have you studied specific courses required for this programme).

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Twitter guidelines Contact us. You can contact University Admissions by email, telephone and chat. We suggest you search for your question first in our FAQ database. University Admissions Support Centre . contact

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sveriges energibalans is the official website for international students who wish to apply for studies in Sweden. Here, you can find out more about the educational system, learn about other important agencies and find links to their websites and, most importantly, apply for courses and programmes.

We suggest you search for your question first in our FAQ database. University Admissions Support Centre . Social media. University Admissions on Twitter.

Contact the Lund University admissions office (link to contact form) Our programmes evaluate your application The programmes check your application to assess whether you meet the specific admission requirements to their programme (e.g. do you have a degree in the right subject, have you studied specific courses required for this programme).

If you applied via, you can find your Personal code number (in   Please read about the whole application process at or programme you wish to apply for. Read more about English language requirements on Contact Admissions office. For general . and freestanding courses is made via There you please contact the Student and Education Department at 8 Apr 2021 Registration via and entrance examinations.

Utökade tider. Den 14 april svarar vi i telefon och via chatt kl 9-22. Den 15 april svarar vi i telefon och via chatt kl 9-24. Ring Antagningsservice Whether or not you need to submit additional documents to those stated at is decided by the individual department responsible for the course or programme.