

7. Dez. 2020 Lars Mittank war mit Freunden in Varna/Bulgarien im Urlaub. wir aktuell an einem ausführlichen Video mit einem Youtuber zusammen.

Er ist das letzte Mal in Varna (Bulgarien) am Flughafen gesehen worden. 2018-05-11 Share your videos with friends, family, and the world 2018-05-11 Download Horror Amino:iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/tr/app/horror-amino/id1071216371?mt=8Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id 2017-03-11 This is a True Crime case about the disappearance of 28-year old Lars Mittank. Watch at your own discretion! NEW VIDEOS UPLOADED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY! Disclaimer: This video was created for relaxation purposes. Lars Mittank was 28 years old when he went missing from Varna Airport in Bulgaria in the summer of 2014. He was a worker at the Wilhelmshaven Power Station in a small coastal town in lower Saxony, in northwest Germany and was on vacation when in a seemingly paranoid state, he disappeared without a … On June 30, 2014, Lars Mittank, a 28-year-old German, traveled with his friends to the Golden Sands resort on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria for a summer vacation.

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“It’s just another missing-persons case, but the details leading up to Mittank’s disappearance, and of course, the video footage takes it to another level in terms of people’s interest,” he says. “People can watch the CCTV footage at any time. 2015-12-10 · The Mystery Disappearance of Lars Mittank In July 2014, 28-year-old German Lars Mittank had a holiday with a couple of friends at Golden Sands in Bulgaria – a popular destination for young people from Germany and England. Findet Lars Mittank. 41 647 gillar · 404 pratar om detta. Seit dem 08.07.2014 wird der damals 28 jährige Lars Mittank vermisst.

Relaterade sökningar. lars gullin · st lars · lars norén · lars of the stars · lars gustafsson · lars orup · lars werner · lars eriksson · lars massage · lars mittank. In July 2014, 28-year-old German Lars Mittank had a holiday with his friends at Golden Sands in Bulgaria – a popular destination for young tourists.

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Lars Mittank is never seen again. Upon being informed of Lar’s disappearance, his family hires a private investigator to find their son. Despite this, no new leads ever surface on the case of Lars Mittank. theories. Several theories surrounding Lar’s case orbit around the center of the state of Lar’s mental health at the time he went missing.

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The clip taken from a CCTV footage at the Varna Airport in Bulgaria, where he is seen running from the terminal, is the last time anyone saw or heard anything of Mittank. El escalofriante video del joven que desapareció delante de todo el mundo. Cómo las vacaciones soñadas de Lars Mittank junto a sus amigos se convirtieron en una pesadilla de nunca acabar. El caso conmocionó al mundo entero en 2014, y hoy, 7 años más tarde, no hay una sola huella acerca de su paradero In his video “Where is Lars Mittank?,” John Lordan chews over the few clues. “It’s just another missing-persons case, but the details leading up to Mittank’s disappearance, and of course, the video footage takes it to another level in terms of people’s interest,” he says. “People can watch the CCTV footage at any time. Lars Joachim Mittank (born February 9, 1986) is a German man who disappeared on July 8, 2014, near Varna Airport in Varna, Bulgaria.Mittank was vacationing at the Golden Sands resort, where he was involved in a fight, and was subsequently unable to fly home with his friends for health reasons.

Lars mittank video

Dez. 2020 Lars Mittank war mit Freunden in Varna/Bulgarien im Urlaub. wir aktuell an einem ausführlichen Video mit einem Youtuber zusammen. 16 Jul 2020 In today's case "Where Is Lars Mittank Now?" we take a look at the mysterious disappearance of the 28 year old German student and the  4 Nov 2020 Em 30 de junho de 2014, o alemão Lars Mittank, de 28 anos, embarcou em um voo para Varna, a terceira Your browser can't play this video. 11 May 2018 German tourist Lars Mittank, 28, vanished without trace four years ago - after making a terrifying phone call to his mother telling her he was  24 Abr 2018 exteriores donde se divisa por última vez la figura de Lars Mittank. aquí": este extraño vídeo es la última pista para encontrar a Lars Mittank  8. Juli 2014 Lars MITTANK war vom 30.06. bis 07.07.2014 mit Freunden in Detailinformationen zur Fahndung · Weitere Bilder und Videos · Weitere  22.
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Findet Lars Mittank Hotel cameras captured Lars Mittank on video, hiding inside the elevator and leaving the building at midnight only to return hours later. He called his mother and whispered that people were trying to rob or kill him. He also texted her, asking about his medication and to block his credit cards.

Watch Video. Send Message. See more of Findet Lars Mittank on Facebook. Discover and share featured Lars Mittank GIFs on Gfycat.
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Lars Mittank is a german man who disappeared after showing some very bizarre behavior, caught on the surveillance camera of an airport. The 28 year old from Berlin traveled with a group of friends to Varna, Bulgaria, for a vacation on June 30th, 2014. While they were there, Lars got involved in a physical fight with a group of guys over some soccer dispute. It left him with an injury in his

41.506 aprecieri · 1.108 discută despre asta. Seit dem 08.07.2014 wird der damals 28 jährige Lars Mittank vermisst. Er ist das letzte Mal in Varna (Bulgarien) am Flughafen NadiaOmara (@nadiaomara) telah membuat video pendek di TikTok dengan musik Horror. | Kasus tak terpecahkan I - Lars Mittank #nadiaomara #fyp #horror #mystery #kisahmistis Lars Mittank is never seen again. Upon being informed of Lar’s disappearance, his family hires a private investigator to find their son. Despite this, no new leads ever surface on the case of Lars Mittank. theories.

2020-06-10 · Takrat 28-letni Lars Mittank je 30. junija 2014 s prijatelji obiskal bolgarsko črnomorsko letoviško mesto Zlata obala v bližini Varne, tretjega največjega mesta v Bolgariji. Dan pred koncem dopustovanja, 6. julija, se je Mittank, ki se je oddaljil od svoje skupine prijateljev in šel po svoje, v restavraciji McDonald's sprl s štirimi moškimi, ki so bili prav tako Nemci.

Er ist das letzte Mal in Varna (Bulgarien) am Flughafen gesehen worden. 2021-02-13 · Lars Mittank was a 28-year-old German, who visited Golden Sands in Bulgaria with his friends in July 2014. One night partying with his friends inebriated, he got into a fight with a bunch of other guys. Being a fan of the football club, Werder Bremen, Lars had a warm contention with the supporters of his rival team, the Bayern Munich group.

Lars Joachim Mittank (born February 9, 1986) is a German man who disappeared on July 8, 2014, near Varna Airport in Varna, Bulgaria.Mittank was vacationing at the Golden Sands resort, where he was involved in a fight, and was subsequently unable to fly home with his friends for health reasons. 2020-03-03 · Five years after Lars Mittank became 'most famous missing person on YouTube' his family still clings to hope. The clip taken from a CCTV footage at the Varna Airport in Bulgaria, where he is seen running from the terminal, is the last time anyone saw or heard anything of Mittank. Findet Lars Mittank. 8 oktober 2020 · Wie ihr gesehen habt, waren wir wieder in Bulgarien. Lars Mittank had a good job at the coal-fired power plant in Wilhelmshaven, where he had been working since 2007. 28 years of age, Lars traveled to Varna with four friends.