Desiderius Erasmus (Rotterdam, 28 oktober 1466, 1467 of 1469 – Basel, 12 juli 1536) was een in Holland geboren priester, augustijner kanunnik, theoloog, filosoof, schrijver en humanist
Women, can't live with them, can't live without them. Desiderius Erasmus. Women Live Without. Prevention is … Desiderius Erasmus, 1466-1536. The Dutch humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, was born at Rotterdam, apparently on October 28, 1466, the illegitimate son of a physician's daughter by a man who afterwards turned monk.
His personal character was not heroic. He was a valetudinarian, comfort-loving, timid and querulous. He lived in his study and died in his bed. Desiderius Erasmus Quotes - BrainyQuote. Dutch - Philosopher October 28, 1466 - July 12, 1536. Women, can't live with them, can't live without them. Desiderius Erasmus.
– 12 July 1536), known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, was a Dutch … Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (28 tháng 10 năm 1466 - 12 tháng 7 năm 1536), cũng gọi là Erasmus thành Rotterdam là nhà triết học chủ nghĩa nhân văn Phục hưng, linh mục Công giáo, nhà phê bình xã hội, giáo sư, nhà thần học người Hà Lan. Ông được xem như học giả lớn nhất trong thời đại của mình, nổi tiếng với các tác Desiderius Erasmus.
In the intervening 100+ years Erasmus University - named for the renowned humanist, philosopher and world traveller Desiderius Erasmus - has continued to
Inga nya böcker till salu. Förväntad leveranstid: 3-4 dagar (begagnad) · 1-8 arbetsdagar (ny).
Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung. Wir sind die jüngste politische Stiftung Deutschlands und stehen ideell der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) nahe. Als parteinahe Stiftung sind wir rechtlich und tatsächlich unabhängig und nehmen unsere satzungsgemäßen Aufgaben selbständig, eigenverantwortlich und in geistiger Offenheit wahr.
Slovenčina: Erazmus Rotterdamský (1466-1536) bol holandský mysliteľ a humanista. Português: Erasmo de Roterdão (1466-1536), humanista e teólogo holandês, grande crítico da Igreja e dos vícios do Clero. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (28 October 1466 – 12 July 1536), known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, or simply Erasmus, was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian. Erasmus was a classical scholar and wrote in a pure Latin style. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was born October 28, 1466 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
His personal character was not heroic. He was a valetudinarian, comfort-loving, timid and querulous. He lived in his study and died in his bed. Desiderius Erasmus Quotes - BrainyQuote.
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50 Notable Names is a collection of fifty people down through history that are worth learning about and learning from.Notable Name # 30 - Desiderius Erasmus Se hela listan på 2021-04-14 · Discover facts about the life of Desiderius Erasmus, the writer of 'The Praise of Folie' and other intellectual works. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was a Dutch philosopher and Christian scholar who is widely considered to have been one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance. As a Catholic priest, Erasmus was an important figure in classical scholarship who wrote in a pure Latin style.
He often reflected on subjects that invite philosophical inquiry: the influence of nature versus nurture, the relationship between word and thing, the ideal form of government
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was one of Europe's most famous and influential scholars. A man of great intellect who rose from meager beginnings to become one of Europe's greatest thinkers, he
Desiderius Erasmus (c. 1469-1536 CE) was a Dutch humanist scholar considered one of the greatest thinkers of the Renaissance.
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led to the Reformation, he opposed violence and condemned Martin Luther (1466-1536)) Erasmus; Gerhard Gerhards; Geert Geerts; Desiderius Erasmus
Men Premium Cotton Harajuku T-Shirt Desiderius Erasmus Give light and Print Tees Funny Style Round Neck Cotton Tshirt Casual T-Shirts. från Pris 37 US$. Hitta stockbilder i HD på Monument Erasmus Rotterdam Netherlands Desiderius Erasmus och miljontals andra royaltyfria stockbilder, illustrationer och vektorer i Kirckis eendrectige samfwnd Christendommen till eett stortt affbreck, [Erasmus Roterodamus], [overs. af Paulus Helie]. Front Cover. Desiderius Erasmus. Barth Nyckelord/TitelPorträtt, man; Kortbeskrivning Eramus Roterdamus, 1466-1536, humanist.
The most brilliant and most important leader of German humanism, b. at Rotterdam, Holland, 28 October, probably in 1466; d. at Basle, Switzerland, 12 July, 1536. He was the illegitimate child of Gerard, a citizen of Gouda, and Margaretha Rogers, and at a later date latinized his name as Desiderius Erasmus. Eventually his father became a priest.
7557859, citing Cathedral of Basel, Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland ; Maintained by Find A Grave . Desiderius Erasmus. 311 likes · 9 talking about this. The Prince of Humanists, founding father of Europe. Desiderius Erasmus.
Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) was an influential Dutch Renaissance philosopher.