Whether it's by banning cars, imposing strict emissions regulations or leaving fossil fuels behind, many cities are responding to climate change, and it's improving the quality of life for residents. Fewer cars mean less traffic, and lower


Five simple summer salad recipes using minimal ingredients and maximum flavors. Long day at work? Never fear! Toss together one of these great takes on greens. Even if your fridge is looking a little bare, these recipes are made with easy-t

24/04/2020 Reducerat miljöavtryck med DELTABEAM® Green . Genom att använda nya DELTABEAM® Green kan reducera byggnadens miljöavtryck. Den ger dig samma fördelar som vår DELTABEAM® Tunn bjälklagskonstruktion, men ger en minskad miljöpåverkan. DELTABEAM® Green on rakenteellisesti täysin yhtenevä Peikon perinteikkään, jo yli 30-vuotiaan DELTABEAM®-liittopalkin kanssa. Uuden tuotteen merkittävimmät edut ovat, että se valmistetaan yli 90-prosenttisesti kierrätetystä teräsmateriaalista, ja sen tuotannossa käytetään ainoastaan uusiutuvaa energiaa.

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The system consists of hollow trapezoidal-shaped beams and  Peikko's DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure is a flexible solution always tailored to the customer's needs. It enables slender and light structural solutions that  DELTABEAM® Green Kompositbjælker reducerer CO 2 udslippet med op til 50% . Miljøpåvirkningen bekræftes af Miljøvaredeklarationen, EPD, og  As part of this cooperation, Peikko will continue to develop its DELTABEAM® Green product offering. Peikko's goal is to manufacture at least half of the Finnish   DELTABEAM® Green reducerar koldioxidutsläppen med upp till 50%. Miljökonsekvenserna bekräftas av miljöproduktdeklarationen, EPD och projektspecifika  Peikko's new DELTABEAM® Green composite beam cuts CO2 emissions by up to 50%. Peikko Group, a leading global supplier of concrete connections,  Specialties: DELTABEAM, Welda, HPM, PPM, Pelarfot, Ingjutningsgods, Stomme, DELTABEAM® Green har samma fördelar som vår standardiserade  Verkligen roligt att se hur bygget av stommen med DELTABEAM® och pelare i Använd DELTABEAM® Green – en produkt tillverkad av återvunnet material. DELTABEAM® Samverkansbalk och samverkansstomme DELTABEAM® FRAME.

2. Week+8_Peikko_BCC_Building_references.mp4. 14.

By using DELTABEAM® Green you can lighten your building’s environmental footprint. It offers you the same benefits as DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure but in

DELTABEAM® Green on merkittävä askel kohti vihreämpää tulevaisuutta, sillä rakennusteollisuus ja rakennukset yleisesti tuottavat karkeasti 30 - 40 % koko maailman jätteestä. DELTABEAM® Green on toistaiseksi saatavilla Pohjoismaissa ja toimitukset muualle Eurooppaan alkavat vuoden 2020 lopulla. DELTABEAM ® Green je nová, ekologickejšia verzia riešenia tenkej bezprievlakovej stropnej konštrukcie s DELTABEAM ® od spoločnosti Peikko.

By using DELTABEAM® Green you can lighten your building’s environmental footprint. It offers you the same benefits as DELTABEAM® Slim Floor Structure but in

Deltabeam green

Fiksu veto Laptin Mikko Lohi on ilahtunut Peikon uudesta Deltabeam Green -palkista, joka tuo hankkeeseen Take a look at how a crew of 5 installers erect a floor plate of over 12,800 square ft (1,200 m2) in only three days by utilizing 25 ft (7.6 m) DELTABEAM® Composite Beams, composite columns, combined to long span prefabricated components such as 36 ft (11 m) hollow-core slabs.

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There is an urgent need for solutions that lighten the environmental footprint, and DELTABEAM ® Green will cut CO 2 emissions by up to 50% compared to standard steel, composite or concrete beams. DELTABEAM ® is designed to be used as a structural element combined with all general concrete slab types: hollow-core slab, filigran slabs, composite steel decking, trapezoidal steel decking slabs, and cast-in-place concrete slabs. It enables the usage of shallow element structures and strengthens the frame structure inside the slab. DELTABEAM® Green on merkittävä askel kohti vihreämpää tulevaisuutta, sillä rakennusteollisuus ja rakennukset yleisesti tuottavat karkeasti 30 - 40 % koko maailman jätteestä.
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One Click LCA □ Green Guide to Specification □ Gabi □ SimaPro för • DELTABEAM®, samverkansbalkar för tunna bjälklagskonstruktioner.

Original resolution. About Us. Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of slim floor structures, wind energy applications and connection technology for precast and cast-in-situ construction. By using DELTABEAM® Green you can lighten your building’s environmental footprint.

Whether it's by banning cars, imposing strict emissions regulations or leaving fossil fuels behind, many cities are responding to climate change, and it's improving the quality of life for residents. Fewer cars mean less traffic, and lower

Peikko's goal is to manufacture at least half of the Finnish   DELTABEAM® Green reducerar koldioxidutsläppen med upp till 50%. Miljökonsekvenserna bekräftas av miljöproduktdeklarationen, EPD och projektspecifika  Peikko's new DELTABEAM® Green composite beam cuts CO2 emissions by up to 50%.

Udover fordelene nævnt ovenfor har DELTABEAM® Green de samme fordele som Peikkos traditionelle DELTABEAM® Kompositbjælker, blandt andet: DELTABEAM ® Green is structurally similar to Peikko’s standard DELTABEAM ®, an innovation more than 30 years old.